29 km - 30 mn

Savignac-Lédrier Forge occupies a background of green valley Auvézère, dominated by a Renaissance castle recalling the noble origin of its first owners. The entire site, culminating in the fall amply curved river, found the road to the village of Savignac, offers one of the most expressive and most rewarding of Périgord.
This forge was among the ironworks wood which, under the old regime, producing cast iron and iron using a blast furnace and a refinery. The plant operation based on the use of water power and the use of a peasant labor, only in winter.
Discover, free or guided, an unknown face in the history of Périgord. Originally built, around 1521, the forge, listed historical monument, is a unique vestige of this activity in an exceptional landscape setting.
Free activity:
A walk of discovery takes place on the shady banks of Auvézère, punctuated by "stations" of the sculptor Michel Brand, offering a creative vision and documentary location. The route of the trail offers breathtaking views of the forge, the castle, Auvézère falls. It is freely accessible and safe. (About 30/40 minutes)
Welcome / Tours / information:
June-July - August - September 14h to 18 h
Closed morning
Guided tours: 14h45 - 16h - 17h15 - including Sunday
Forge de Savignac-Lédrier - 24270 Savignac-Lédrier
Tel O5 53 62 50 06 & 05 53 52 75 59